Changing Countries!

When we bought our first house I enjoyed viewing the different homes that our real estate agent 

showed us. It was fun to pick and choose what we liked and didn’t like. I could tell right away whether 
I could make a house a home by the way I felt when I was walking around the different rooms. Do you 
think you could purchase a house without ever stepping inside? I’m not sure I could, but that’s exactly 
what a home buyer had to do recently with Willie Ray, one of our agents here at 
Willie was contacted in March through our website from a man who is working in Afghanistan. For 
privacy sake I’ll call him Dan. Dan is a contractor there helping to rebuild the country. Much of his family 
resides in the Port Huron area so when a home in that area came on the market Willie was asked to go 
look at it. Willie toured the house and took lots of pictures, acquiring all the information that Dan would 
need to make an informed decision.  
After emailing all the pictures and details, Dan decided to make an offer. This house was a foreclosure 
and unfortunately there was another offer that was higher. Willie had to give Dan the bad news that 
he didn’t get the house. After all that leg work it was a big disappointment but Willie went back to the 
drawing board determined to find Dan a place to call home.
A week later, Willie noticed that the very same house in Port Huron came back on the market! Lucky for 
Dan, something must have fallen through on the deal. They resubmitted their offer and it was accepted!
It wasn’t all smooth sailing though. Closing on homes can take a long time even when both parties live in 
the same city. Try going through the process when you’re not on the same continent! In order to close, 
Dan had to go to the US Embassy in Afghanistan to get the paperwork notarized. In the meantime, the 
house got broken into and Willie made sure the window was repaired and everything was back in 
order. The closing process took about 3 months. 
Dan has yet to move in as he is still in Afghanistan. He is due back in the US sometime this month. 
Thanks to Willie and all his hard work he has a nice house to call his own when he gets back. The only 
thing left to be done is to make his house his HOME.